Sunday, June 8, 2014

Ethics in Information and Technology

By Raul Bernardino
The Internet global communication has brought countries without any boarder. In this case country law and enforcement has to be overridden with the international law. For instance, the crimes happened over the internet. “Normally physical location of the crimes will be determined the jurisdiction and sets of law to be applied,Hall, P. A.V. & Fernandez-Ramil, J. (2007, P. 95). However, a person from Africa, sites the information on the Asia internet web sites whereas insulting or offence a person in Europe or USA, which law will be applied. Will it apply USA Law? Will it apply European Law? Will it apply African Law or Asia Law? In this complexity case, it will be analysis it sets of the laws and applied the international law.
The CIO is using utilitarian approach on the Schrage scenarios. According to the Benthem is that the greatest happiness to the greatest number’. This means that any decision to be taken it has to base on the benefits to the majority numbers of the employees and for the sake of the business operations. The CIO sees that outsourcing is the best practice to help company operation and minimized the operation cost than using internal IT then it has to be outsource. The internal IT team has to learn from the outsourcing team in order to perform next term. According to Dewey “doing in a right thing is good for the business. Further Dewey explains that to disclose the information to the boss has to be done in the right moment or in the right time and in the right place. However, the CIOs have to think ahead and look the for the long-term business operation before it comes to the conclusion or decision.
With the normative approach, the CIOs have to use the internal policies, procedures, agreements, code of conducts, and organization culture or behaviors and values as a base for judging the employees, given the rewords and recognitions to the best performing of the employees. Therefore, in the Schrage scenarios, the CIO will be taking decisions base on the normative that has been taken place in the organization. This will be very clear for the CIOs to make a decision on the outsourcing in case the internal IT team cannot perform the task in timely manner. It can be outsourced the activities such as the CRM system development. The internal IT team can be learned from outsourcing best practices for the future implementation. In term of disclosing the information to the boss, in my case, as an employee had a confidential agreement with the organization whereas I can’t disclose any institutional memories to the public. It has to be approved by organization before it goes to public. In other end as employee that embedded in to the organization has a responsibility to make right thing in the organization. Also inform unethical issues to the management to solve in the proper manner.
In the short term run, the organization or company may loss the employees because not well rewarded to their efforts. In the Schrage scenario for the CRM system development, it can be forced to lose staff because the company willing to have outsource to meet the dead-line. In the long run it can be benefit to the organization or company because the CRM system in place and each to track customers information for the future businesses. The CRM system will make organization or company business more effective. According to Gupta and other stated that “the CIO has to consider the long term runs of the company rather than just current needs.” New ideas and constructive critics coming from employees in which that are for the improvement of the organizations and companies, they have to be considered by CIO.
In my own opinion, the businesses have to be run in the good ethics rather than the businesses are focusing on the financial benefit. My argument is that with the good ethics the business can be survived and it is can be running for the long term of the period. While business that is focusing on the financial benefit may gain lot of benefit in the short term of period however it may not be in the long term. The simple reason is that because it is focusing on financial benefit and it might use unethical manner to reach their objectives. For instance: new product innovation. The company may reproduce coca cola to the market and have not paid the royalty to the originator coca cola company. At the end coco cola company may bring this company to the court and this company has to pay millions of dollar because use of coca cola brand name. Normally, this company has to get a license from the coca cola company before it reproduces. In the software application, we can’t just bought one application reproduce or copy them into thousand CDs and sell them in the market in order to gain financial benefit. It is unethical and it will cost for the long term running. It has to be started with the reseller license and doing the business.
In conclusion:
“Systematic innovation consists in the purposeful and organized search for changes and in the systematic analysis of the opportunities such changes might offer for economic and social innovation,” Drucker (2002). The normative approach is better base for CIOs to make a decision because it is cover almost all aspects or ruling the organization or company. In any ethical analysis situation the moral philosophy will be taken in first place.

Hall, P. A.V. & Fernandez-Ramil, J. (2007) Managing the Software Enterprise:
Software Engineering and Information Systems in Context. London: Thomson Learning.
 Armstrong, G. and Kotler, P. (2010) Principles of marketing,13th edition, Global

edition:  Prentice Hall

Build the new System Application or purchasing the equivalent System Application

By Raul Bernardino
In this fourth week assignment, it has very tricky question. With the simple mathematics calculation and a little bit has an economic knowledge, it will be allowing us to make very quick decision for purchasing equivalent or similar system rather than have to build a new system. It stated that, to build the new system, it will cost us about $800,000; while in the market, there is an equivalent system that will cost us about $125,000. This means that, if we going to acquiring the system, it will be saving about $675,000.
In the software development, we cannot guarantee that lower price of purchasing the system is a good investment for the company. For instance, we only bought the license of the application in order to use them; however we did not have the source code. Therefore to do an adjustment of the requirements needs, we have to upgrade the license and doing the maintenance. This will be having additional fees on the top of the original license fee ($125,000). In other end, it is also requiring to have training to the end users and support team. It is also including the annually maintenance fees. In the long run, the cost this software application will be ending up with the millions of dollars.  For instance the maintenance cost or licensing cost $20,000 per year. In this scenario the cost will be ending up $720,000 in the next three years. In the software environment, “often we bought the service, the product, or both of them”, Hall, P. A.V. & Fernandez-Ramil, J. (2007, P. 131).
There are some advantages and disadvantages of deciding to purchase any software application system. The advantages of getting or buying the software applications from application service providers (ASPs) are: “Lower cost or cost saving, market is ready and it has a quick of the implementation (no time delay), and it has clear support line and maintenance. This software has a quality because many companies are using the same product or services.  Some disadvantages of purchasing from ASPs are: The features may not fit with the business requirement needs, totally depends on external services, and more cost for long term business”, Hall, P. A.V. & Fernandez-Ramil, J. (2007, P. 137).It is also having the trade-off. If we are going to build the software application inside the company; the advantages are: We will be having the source code, we can easily adjust and adapt at any time as it is business required. The disadvantages are: Time consuming to develop the application, more cost in the initial investment,” Martin (2005).
It is important to have concrete planning towards to the acquisition of the any software application; whereas it is starting from business requirement needs, establishes a consensus of the needs among the stakeholders, and makes a listing of the essential features and functions of the system; it is also including the relative features and functions and the integration of the relationship. The business requirement needs can be elicited from interviewing the stakeholders, uses case modeling or simulation to the current situation, brainstorming the ideas with all parties that are involving the project either they are direct or indirect,  and makes some observation in normal working environment. The facilitation has to elicit those requirements and documented. If there are conflicts and disagreement between the stakeholders, the facilitator has to facilitate all parties in order to reach a consensus or at least to reconcile the ideas or needs.
In some software package that is not fit with the business requirements needs, then first of all, we have to think how the technical integration to the current application system especially to the operation system and hardware of the target computers. In other hand we have to think of customizing and modifying the features and functions in order to fit the business needs. Another step is re-engineering the business process of the application whereas to imitate the real world of the working environment.
There are several strategic to implement new package of software as follows:
a)     Strategic Parallel: In this strategic the production mode using the old system while in the testing mode uses the new software. Whenever, the stakeholders are confident with the new system, then they can move to new software application.
b)    Strategic Piloting: In this strategic, the organization or company are selecting several end users to test the new application and do a correction of the problem and updates the codes in necessary.
c)     Strategic of phasing: In this scenarios organization can benefit from achievement from phasing strategic.
d)    Strategic of cutover: in this scenarios ask the organization to adopt new operating system.
The software implementation phase has several sections as follows:
a)     Installation: this is a first phase of the implementation. In this phase it has several processes such as: Plan for the installation, training plan, data backup, data clean up, and conversion.
b)    Operation: In this phase the operation is important, because it will be seeing as it is operable or useable. How is it integrated with other current application? It integrated to other system and system operation.
c)     Maintenance: It is important to have a support from the vendor and it has to base on the service level agreement.

In conclusion: In any software application development, it has to base on business requirement needs and how the stakeholders are for seeing the needs, and decides the features and functions. If the software application is intending to buy from the available in the market, it has to be able to do a technical integration to the other system, customization, and in line with business process. If it is intending to build the system internally, first of all, it has to start with the requirements such as feasibility study/ elicitation, analysis and specification. Second, on the designing such as high level design and details of the design asks more concentration on the block level. The third construction: in this phase it is doing a coding, testing and integration, and the last part is the implementation such as installation, support and maintenance, including operations

Hall, P. A.V. & Fernandez-Ramil, J. (2007) Managing the Software Enterprise:

Software Engineering and Information Systems in Context. London: Thomson Learning.