Thursday, February 7, 2013

Managers versus Leaders in Power

By Raul Bernardino

There are different characteristics of the managers and the leaders in power. The managers use to use a hierarchy line to do a plan with one clear goal. Thereafter, the manager will put several clear objectives together towards to the setting goals, and plan the activities to reach their respective objectives. All plan activities are calculated within the associate cost and schedule of the deliverables. It is including the evaluation time frame for the quality control purposes. Every detail is needed in the written plan and it is including the indicators that are expected to achieve. Each employee that is under the managers lines have to know their tasks individually, in order to have high productivity and easy to control and measure.

While the leaders characteristic are just have to put the guidelines or goals and ask or move the down lines to be creative, initiative, and innovative to reach the overall goal. The leaders delegate power to down line to be success. The leader has the ability to move the individuals that under his or her supervision to arrive in the goal, it is not because the leader has asked them to do it or the leader is planning a head, however those individuals are volunteers to do so. This situation can motivate the employees to be more innovative, create, and have high productivities.

The researchers have been seen the value of leadership as ‘a celebrity bosses’ or has charismatic power in particular were responsible for the rapid and radical changes whereas caused organizational deterioration (Buchanan and Huczynski, p. 696)

“According to transformational leadership theory, both leaders and managers are engaged in the same task of getting the best out of people, they just have different influencing styles” (McCrimmon, p. 5, 2006).

In sort a leader move along with the things while manager focus is getting thing done.   

Nowadays, the era of the revolution of the information and technology, the leadership and the management styles are mostly use the participatory approaches in the dealing with the decision making processes. The leader usually, faster to take decisions and comes with new ideas and paradigm. They can see clearly the trend of the market and adjust new Information Technology platform in to the business very quick. They also have the ability to convince the business owner to move forward. While managers are stick in planning as much as in their planning are accurately, effectively and efficiently. The manager is usually transforming human thinking in to the realization of the activities plan.

The leaderships are easily adapted and adjusted to the new environment while the managers are contemporaries. The manager is quite hard to follow the leader method.

With the argument and theory above, I can see that, the mangers are more relative stable than the leaders in terms of the productivities, of the result or of the outcomes. It is because sometimes, in same cases the individuals are wrong interpreting the leader’s views or ideas, especial on the political views of the political leaders.

For the future development, I do think that the leaders have to learn from the society and adjust and adapt more quick as possible. It is because, nowadays, the information revolution,  global communication, global migration, global market or free market in which they are more integrated, and lot of the information are also cross border. It is including the culture and the language interaction and it is making leaders more difficult to use their ability in power and decision making. For example in the Middle East, it had born democracy in which is resulting demonstrations towards their leaders in the power. The Leaders in the Middle East thinks that they still have a power to persuade their people; unfortunately, it is not the case more. Because, the flows of information have been influence their people in society whereas they have learned from other societies around the world via the internet communication and social networks.

·        Buchanan, D. & Huczynski, A. (2007), Organizational Behaviour: an introductory text. 6th edition. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall
·        McCrimmon, Mitch (2006) Zaleznik and Kotter on Leadership, [On-line]. Available from:  (Accessed: 7 February 2013)
·        Participative Management [on-line]. Available from: (Accessed: 7 February 2013)
·        21st Century of Information fluency [on-line]. Available from:  (Accessed: 7 February 2013)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The organizational behavior

By Raul Bernardino

According to the dictionary of the America Heritage state that 'behavior' namely:
  • Is a person manner or who behave
  • Is a reaction or an action toward to the outside or inside stimulus of the person

In other word a behavior is the way somebody act as himself or herself. For instance the way he or she talks and walks and these are including the gesture and the body language.

Now, talking about the organizational behavior is quite complex issue. It is starting from individual’s behaviors attribute, coming to the team behavior attributes, the departmental behavior attributes, and finally it’s coming into the organizational behaviors as an accumulation of the whole entities behavioral. Because of the difference of the behavioral, it can be enriching each another positively or negatively in the organization. Therefore organization has to have a fundamental rule of the game in order to tie or control every entity in the organization.

The ability of predicting or explaining the other human behavioral in the organization, communities, and societies are the interest of the sociologist, anthropologist, philosophers, and psychologists. “In the beginning, it is believed that the competences are based on the abilities of beliefs and desires in which can be an attribute to the other humans.”(Kristin Andrew, n: d)

We cannot hundred percent correctly or precisely of predicting people behavior. Why is that? It is because every individual have different background of the knowledge or skills, culture, and life styles. And it is also including the stress level of each individual.

What is contributing the individual stress level? There are three major factors that are contributing to the stress level. They are:
  • The work situation: there are several things you need achieve in the organization as individuals or team. For instance to overcome challenges, to have good performance, to have training and learning opportunities, to accomplish all assignments, to get good pay, to have good relationship with team workers including subordinate and managers.
  • The family situation: There should be a qualities and quantities times with family including spouse, parents, and children.
  • The personal situation: have a good mental and physical health, have a good social life, have a free time activities, and have the spiritual growth.

These three factors above are explained in constructive way in which trigger the stress level to become low. However, in the different situation it may be one of them or all of them (the three factors) are not achievable or partial achieved and it will trigger the stress level to become arising or high. The stress level can affect the individual performance in the organizational. As a result if every employee is not satisfied or not motivated in the organizational behavior will destructive as well. This also depends on the organizational leadership. If the leadership see this situation and give some incentives to the staff then the situation will overcome.

We noted that people is behave differently even in similar situations. Why is that? They are of course different. They have a different personal interest, mode, and motivation. Therefore, they perceive the similar situation differently and of course they are individuals that have different knowledge and culture background. It is also including the life styles. These are also contributed too.

Can I predict their behavior? For sure, we can predict their behave base on the personal level, group level, insensible needs, and characters. For example on the personal level, we can easily see the interest of the individual. Usually, the interest is something to deal with the benefit or advantage. In the group level, we can trigger with the question, are they are in management group, secular groups, political group, etc? If we knew, their group identities, then we can easily anticipating them with arguments or some benefit. From the character, point of view, it can be simple to see or differentiate; is this person honest or dishonest, generosity or intimidate, etc.? About the insensible needs, we can read as a rational. This is a person that use between rational and irrational. Sometime, it is right to say yes and get the benefit however, with the circumstance he or she will say no. This is one part that we simply cannot predict.

Is the Organizational Behavior helping us some predictions? Yes, I do agree that the organizational behavioral could help of the prediction because this is like an entity or group that identified.  Moreover, we can ensure knowing the common interest of this organization. So we can easily distinguish what things that can motivate the members of the organization.

Conclusion: The organizational behavior is totally depends on individuals and team behaviors. The positive or negative behavior s of the organizational is depends on the each individual contributions. The behavioral of the organization can be controlled by employer, in which to use of the interest factors, the group identity factors, the insensibility needs factors, and characters factors.  

References List:
·        Behavior  [Online] Available from:   (Accessed:  7 February 2013)
·        Krintin Andrew (n:d) On Predicting Behavior [Online] Available from: (Accessed:  7 February 2013)
·        Jeffrey R,Edwards, (Feb. 2006), MANAGING STRESS: SEEKING BALANCE AND FULFILLMENT [Online] Available from: (Accessed:  7 February 2013)
·        How to Predict Behavior Like Abraham Lincoln Did [Online] Available from: (Accessed:  7 February 2013)